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How to Leverage Video Content in Your Lead Generation Campaigns

In recent years, email marketing has been among the most effective online marketing strategies, and email marketing campaigns drive outbound strategies. However, due to a lack of a personal connection with your target market, numerous email-powered methods continue to fall short of their potential.

The benefits and drawbacks of email marketing have been extensively discussed. However, as a marketing strategist, you should embrace the latest trends and leverage them to boost sales.

Since open-and-click rates are essential to the success of an email campaign, using videos in your emails can significantly increase those metrics, build a sense of connection, and effectively convey your message to your audience.

According to the most recent video marketing data by Wyzowl, 86% of marketing specialists use video as a marketing technique. In this blog, we'll go over the best practices for video email marketing, including the types of videos to include in your emails and how to integrate video email marketing into your overall campaign seamlessly.


What is Video Email Marketing?

Video email marketing is the integration of videos into your marketing materials.

One of the best strategies to increase your marketing conversions is to use video in email. Videos are fascinating and improve the effectiveness and engagement of the most popular marketing mediums. 

The phrase "video email marketing" gives the impression that it is somewhat different from traditional email marketing, yet nothing could be further from reality. Video is a valuable addition to the email that recipients adore.


Why is Video Email Marketing Effective?

Still in doubt that videos can help your email marketing? Look at these facts to see how effective video is for email marketing:

  1. It boosts click-through and open rates. Including "video" in an email subject line increases open and click-through rates by 19% and 65%, respectively. It indicates that individuals are more eager to open the package and perceive the information presented in the movie as having more excellent value.
  2. It helps draw a lot of attention to your brand. Moving images capture viewers' attention more than still ones do. Emails with videos take longer to read and get a more thorough examination.
  3. It efficiently aids in information digestion. A video in an email delivers all the required information incredibly quickly because our brain prefers and processes visual information more considerably. People retain 95% of their knowledge from watching a video compared to 10% from reading a text. 
  4. It promotes forwarding. According to studies, viewers retain 95% of the information delivered to them. People are more inclined to post a video on social media with their friends and peer groups if it appeals to their emotions. With this, you expand your audience and raise brand awareness.
  5. It has the potential for virality. If the video is polished, condensed, and compelling—whether through aesthetic appeal or humor—it is likely to become viral quickly. If you want to make your videos viral, it needs to be flawless and easy to comprehend, but if you have the correct mentality and a team of motivated pros, the sky's the limit!


What Are the Types of Videos To Include in Your Emails?

Depending on the objectives of your email marketing campaign, you can utilize a wide range of videos. Below are the most common ones you can consider:


1.  Customer Testimonials

In fact, 76% of people trust customer-generated content more than brand marketing.

So one of the best methods to advertise your goods and services is to have a satisfied consumer share their experience with your business. Integrating customer testimonial videos into your emails may raise subscriber engagement and conversion rates.

The main goal here is to generate interest in your products by allowing customers to share their experiences.


2. Event Promotions

Sharing event promotion videos via email is quite effective since you send the receiver an invitation directly to their inbox. Your audience will be interested in and more likely to attend your event if you create an entertaining video to promote it.

You can utilize videos to send event follow-up emails and event marketing. Consider creating a high-quality video that highlights the event's best moments.

It enables attendees to reflect on the event while motivating those who missed it to attend the following one.


3. Services and Products Advertising

One great way to thrill viewers and pique their curiosity is using videos to advertise new services or products. This is where email blasts come in. It is an excellent method to help you announce your products or services.

You can give a sneak preview of a new product in various ways. Brainstorm creative ideas with your team and create a video that best matches your brand voice.


4. Informational Content and How-To's

Compared to publications, infographics, ebooks, and presentations, 68% of consumers say they prefer watching informational videos to learn about new products and services. A video tutorial is a fantastic way to share your knowledge with the target audience and add value. You might include instructional and other videos in your emails to inform the reader about your goods and services.


5. Industry News Round-Up

It hardly ever occurs, but if you ever feel like you need more material for your email videos, you can make a news round-up with the most recent trends and advancements in the industry. Your audience will appreciate it if you keep them informed with information that is beneficial and up-to-date, thus potentially converting these recipients to sales.


6. Brand Stories

Branded social videos influence 64% of consumers to purchase. It is a great reason to include videos in your email campaigns. Make a brief video to share your brand's history. 

For instance, you may describe what inspired you to launch your company or the issue you were trying to solve. Another suggestion is to create a video outlining your business's principles and goals.


Tips to Leverage Video Email Marketing

Using email as a marketing tool has always been effective. Expanding your video marketing plan to incorporate email if you produce video content makes sense. You should consider the following best practices:


1. Plan Your Content

With your marketing goals and target market in place, create a content plan. Before creating a calendar, consider the tools you use to create content. Sending newsletters regularly will assist your readers in becoming used to receiving them.

Want some motivation? Subscribe to the newsletters of your competitors. You can observe what they're doing and gain some helpful insight.


2. Choose High-Quality Content

Ensure that the videos you send customers via email are original, eye-catching, and consistent with your brand's visual identity. This is not to say that you require a huge production budget. 

The significance of quality in video email marketing revolves around relevancy and value. You should only ask customers to watch content that will benefit them.


3. Determine the Appropriate Video Length

The appropriate duration of a video varies depending on the subject and the target audience.

In general, shorter emails perform better for email marketing. Check your email stats to validate that many of your readers will be opening the email on their phone and only anticipate spending a little bit of time with your email.

To keep viewers interested and prevent content fatigue, think about making a series of videos if you have a lot of material to cover.


4. Optimize Your Email Subject Lines

Make sure to put the term "video" in the email subject line. This makes recipients curious about what they will find inside and motivates them to open your email and view the video.

Video in emails offers users something a little different from the standard as most businesses still need to use it. Additionally, it's a fantastic method to stand out in someone's inbox. Check the subscription-based promotional emails.


5. Include a Compelling CTA

After the video, include a clear call to action. You can place it at the bottom of the email or on the video landing page below the video.

Thanks to the strength of living video technology, you can even incorporate it into your interactive video. This might be a button that directs visitors to your website, clickable graphics that allow them to browse, and more.


6. Make Your Video Emails Mobile-Friendly

Remember to test and see your video email on a mobile device as the last step. This is because 85% of recipients open emails on mobile devices.

Optimizing your video email marketing content for mobile use is a great way to increase open rates. As a result, you want to send your audience something other than an email that appears excellent on desktop computers but unappealing on mobile devices. When designing your email for mobile consumption, make sure to divide the text into manageable parts.


Achieve Success with Video Email Marketing

As you can see, including videos in email marketing campaigns is easy. Every brand may use videos as a potent communication tool to meet its marketing objectives. However, making that video genuinely valuable for every email recipient is the challenging part of it.

There are a lot of tools and services you can acquire to help you with video email marketing. With personalization, you can make your videos interesting for your audience. Increase ROI and customer retention by impressing your recipients with unique videos.

If your current email marketing campaigns are only nurturing and not converting new leads, Acceler8now has got you covered! Schedule a consultation, and see how we can help you optimize your outbound and marketing efforts by leveraging unique videos that speak for your brand.